Sunday, November 27, 2005
time: 9:51 PM
hey ppl. ok, ppl who read dis usualli are de jiemeis la. haha.. im going off tmr! haha.. for four days. muz miss me alrite. cos i'l miss ya'll. =)
xuelin, if got chance will get u ur big chicken. =]
Saturday, November 26, 2005
time: 10:26 PM
haha.. feeling horribe n shitty rite nw. hmm.. at angeline's hse anyway, using her lousy keyboard. feeling so damn pissed wif it. wanna smash it! haha..
sigh. can all assholes in dis world just disppear?! we dont need u ppl here to waste the earth's precious resource or to get somebody's heart all broken for u! so just fuck off will yea.
flirts suck! dont evr come near my frens anymore. i'l do more dan bite!!
alrite alrite. angeline gotta use de com. blog more nxt tym. haha..
Friday, November 18, 2005
time: 11:59 PM
i miss the jiemeis!
dua na has been missing in action for so long!
stupid woman went back to china.
back only on dec15!!!
angeline went for camp.
sat then come back lor..
been feeling extremely lazy tdy.
dont even feel lyk stepping out of the hse.
in the end rotted at home the whole day.
it's back to trainings for me. =)
if not grow fatter sia.. =x
im bored.
someone come save me pls
before i rot to death during this holidays.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
time: 12:09 PM
bad start to a day.
robbed of my slp.
nine am!!
first voice i heard in de morning
was my father's scoldings.
called me at 9plus
to ask me to watch ovr my brother.
he doesn have any right to scold me.
doubt me.
or control me.
aftr scolding
he called at 9.30 to ask me wake up
left me feelin slpy aftr dat.
this past few days
ppl keep wakin me up at ridiculous hours.
energy spent.
im goin for training tdy.
quite long nvr go le..
quite excited sia..
heard dat trainings damn tough nw..
abit nervous. =/
hope tdy wont be too hot!
jiayou bah everybody =]
Monday, November 14, 2005
time: 12:19 AM
zhirong crying. =(

he's crying for his mother.. heartpain sia. but looks cute even when he cries rite?? haha.. x)
just havin some fun here. experimenting. =P
Saturday, November 12, 2005
time: 10:39 PM
hahaha. i'v finally got rnd to changing dat ol' sickening skin of mine. =]
hmm.. holidays have JUST started for us. haha. feel so relaxing~ =D
went out tdy again..
me cher ben cy jan.
celebrate jan's bdae.
we treat him seoul garden kae!!
totally broke liao ar..
my wallet dun haf a single cent left.
rather fun =)
nth much to sae ler..
hope de B'gals continue to jiayou!!
Jay's Ye Qu super nice~~
Saturday, November 05, 2005
time: 9:12 PM
had flag day tdy for cip.
wasnt too bad.
first tym i did so much for cip.
cos.. The Hiding Place is a christian organisation mah.
nt really la.
just feel lyk doing kind deeds, for once.
we have to be at YISHUN mrt at EIGHT.
i went a little later.
just in tym to collect tin la..
aftr dat went for a 1hr breakfast at mac
wif meihui cher kex
dan hang arnd in yishun for awhile
but too many ppl arnd snatchin our business sia.
so me n kex decided to go to sembawang.
fabulous idea lor.
all de ppl der to ourselves!
kex n me decided to split up.
so can get more ppl mah.
dan i der happily happily collect donations.
wahh super suei sia.
met dis crazy lao ah pek.
he ar..
started lecturin me.
ask me y de tin de words sae T.H.P in eng.
wen im a chinese.
so... diaoo lor.
started sayin i wang en fu yi
cos my ancestors are chinese ppl
wth lor.
dan ltr sae wad singapore govt no money
sae govt corrupted
come n insult me!
sae y i so stupid
be lyk beggar lidat
go rnd askin ppl for money
sae i wasting my tym n money
sae its illegal to ask for donations in mrt station.
dan he start sayin zhonghua,
cos i wear uni mah.
tried to be funni wif de name n sae r we lyk hwa chong!
make me so pissed lar
but i oso veri scared.
dan ask me whr my sch is..
spent 5-10min talkin crap wif me
dan nvr donate money!
i diam diam all de wae
cos i noe he's SOT lar.
keep sayin
orh.. thank u uncle
cos i wanna leave le
dan he keep bullshitting wif me lar.
in de end i sae i gtg
cos its illegal to ask for donations in mrt!
sped off n called kex come find me ar!!
aftr dat funny/scary episode nth much le lor
sembawang de ppl overall quite not bad la..
managed to fill close to 3/4 of my tin!
ltr all everybody met up.
n start exchanging funni stories!
wasn too bad lar tdy.
reach home everything sian liao!!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
time: 10:56 PM
went out tdy with cher jan ben cy again.
most of the time was spent on travelling.
not bad.
we went...
bugis, esplanade, changi airport.
alot ar??
had a great time.
it has happened before
it is happening again..
its alrite,
im strong rmb?
horrible things does not come by itself.
they come n bombard u left right centre.
jiayou B'gals.
for tmr's match.