Saturday, November 25, 2006
time: 6:29 PM
was utterly sick of the previous one. isn't this nice?? haha. alrite la, shall give cindy some credit here. she's the one who found it but kindly gave it to me. haha.
hoho. in the christmas choir again this year. many people are mistaken that i can't sing. well, that proves them wrong right? haha. the them im referring to are the jiemeis lar. heh.
anyway.. i need a white skirt! shopping, anyone? (:
Friday, November 24, 2006
time: 11:09 PM
such a late post.. nvm, for reminiscent sake anyway.. these are photos taken during the parry gala dinner. haha.

taken while they were busy playing cards. haha. or maybe it was wei2 who took em.

parry's walkway. seems neverending ehh?

alrite. this is what they were doing the entire time. bunch of GAMBLERS. tsk.
now some of the jiemeis' photos. haha.. some didn noticed me cos they were very engrossed in the challenging game of bridge.

angeline. always the slow one.. but she prefers the word innocent. anything..

cindy. always the late one cos she has to blow her hair. haha.

joanna. aka the duck lar. yeah she noticed me just as i was about to take a photo of her in an extremely funny pose. too bad.

xuelin, another one who noticed me. haha. well, the fast one? serious. u just have to talk to her and you'll agree with me.
weiwei's missing cos the camera was his and he went home to delete all horrifying pictures i took of him! argh. stupid wei2.
and of cos im not in, the reason is obvious rite? hahaha.
btw, there's another dua na. rmb that retarded woman? hmph. abandoned us for dno what la. shall ruin her reputation
further. cos already quite ruined anyway..
our beloved dua na:

its alright, u can laugh all you want. that is the whole purpose. hmph.
anyway more photos of parry..

taken by weiwei. haha. parry looks quite scary in the dark ehh?

this is where all the daily flag raising ceremony take place.

right, the last time we get to see it..
Thursday, November 23, 2006
time: 11:43 PM
right, this is the holiday i've been yearing for since the june holidays. so how come i can't really seem to fully enjoy it?! so irritating.
hmm. class chalet was on mon to wed. haha. had alot of fun i guess. for the first time i lasted one whole night without sleeping. even during the chalet last yr i fall aslp halfway. my determination lasted this time.
right. the first day. haha. i have to say, youths nowadays are a bunch of GAMBLERS. we just kept playing daidee, cheat! or mahjong. haha. i have to say, you seriously cannot judge a bk by it's cover. do not be fooled by kex or lennon. they are seriously big time cheaters. i whole day kana cheated by them la.. -.- after a whole night of gambling.. finally. heh. caught the sunrise this time, most of the sunrise la actually. to say the truth, it was my first sunrise!! haha. always didn manage to wake up in time to catch it de.. not bad. very pretty..
the bbq night has alot of food! lots of taiwan sausages. haha. but dont really have much fate with them. everytime i go look for it some people take it away le.. alright enough about food. dont wanna sound piggish. xuelin came look for me that night! haha. so touched. crapped around for awhile with vanessa.. i even offered her food! but she declined. haha.
ohh. it was also the first time i attempted to buy alchoholic drinks. haha. me cher and kex.. after drinking a can of the jolly shandy found it damn nice. so we decided to head of to cheers to try buying some ourselves. haha. but we couldn resist buying this pretty bottle of vodka, only 5% la. weirdly huh, we were allowed to buy those jolly shandy but not that stupid bottle. in the end we walked around cheers trying to find some kind looking people to buy it for us la. hahaha.
the best part about chalet will always be the mahjong. hahahaha. if u dont wanna slp, the best thing to whilst time away will definitely be mahjong. either that or bridge. sadly most of my frens dont really like bridge. guys can actually be as crazy over mahjong as girls. dont think mahjong are only for those tai tais lo.. haha.
anyway the last night i finally cannot stand it. went up to slp, and found ty, kex and cher sprawled over the beds la.. had to slp like a log at one corner.. -.- haha.
woke at 8sth.. went to eat mac breakfast. then it was back to the chalet to continue playing mahjong for me cher kex n ty. played til we had to check out lo..
the journey back was torturous.. walked alllllll they way from downtown east chalet, to white sands mall. can u imagine the looooong distance?! luckily lennon and tze hin was heading for serangoon too. so i dont have to do the long march by myself. got onto 109 and slept all the way home. i even overshot my stop la! luckily lennon woke me up before i slp all the way to serangoon interchange. haha. thanks eh.
only during this chalet i really know my classmates well. weird huh. we know each other for two years, some even four years, but only during these 3days i actually know them better. sigh. what a waste. i'll definitely miss 4e4'06.. hope this won't be the last time yeah?
anyway after that extremely fun 3days, the last two days in comparison was positively dull!! stayed home the entire time la. must get out tomorrow liao. shall not let my youth slip away like that anymore. haha.. reminds me of this phrase
carpe diem. is that how u use it?
enough reminiscing. there's still the 6I'o2 chalet to look forward to!! haha. this time it'll definitely be bridge all the way lo. jiemeis are seriously addicted to bridge (X
should i or should i not dye my hair? sigh. if i should dye, diy or go to the saloon? sigh!! after seeing angeline's by-product of dying her hair diy, i really have to think thrice.
argh. this stupid mouse of mine! feel like smashing it into smithreens. argh. can only move up and down T.T cannot move left or right de.. wth.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
time: 1:28 AM
hahahahahaha. olvls are finally over. super excited about this new freedom now. that guilty feeling tugging in my heart whenever i paused in my studies to stare at the tv now no longer exist! haha. been a nerd for so long now. i even look like one T.T
anyway.. about THOSE o's. haha. really don't know how i'll fare. especially for my languages and humans. sigh. lets not talk about depressing subjects anymore! they are over. shall leave all the sadness/happiness til feb'07. haha.
went shopping at vivo with the jiemeis. hmm.. that place is really huge, my legs almost gave way. anyway everybody bought at least one thing at the end :) angeline got her prom dress and a shirt. duck her prom dress. cindy her cute top. xuelin her slippers. me and my nice denim skirt. yeah skirt. its nice.. but somehow i don't know how i got persuaded to buy it -.- argh. another trip is needed! haha.
well.. its been such a long time. its getting difficult to blog nonstop.
hope i get to accomplish all the things i had set for myself during the studying period when i was fantasizing about holidays. hahaha.
there's a list:
shop for new clothes. duh.
keep fit! this exam has been unkind to my weight la.
learn how to cook. hahaha, for my mommy.
learn how to bake. ok, this is getting weird.
re-watch goong!! ahhh. shin <33
catch up on some movies. heh such a sua ku now.
earn money. guess this is extremely important as it directly affects no.1
oh and be more active in church. shall join the christmas play chior! haha.
alrite.. hope i didn't leave out anything. haha.
super tired now.. shall go off to sleep. this time definitely much more than my usual 6or7 hours. hahahahha.