Monday, December 25, 2006
time: 6:42 PM
haha. it jesus' birthday today. can you believe it, a lot of people actually do not know that. they think that christmas is all about santa claus and reindeers. sigh.
anyway.. in the mood to blog again. yeap.
hmm. went caroling on saturday. haha. quite fun. ALOT of food to eat. went three houses and there's buffet in all three houses. i'll proclaim once again about my love for christmas hymns! super nice la.. haha.
then there's the christmas play performance on sunday.
shall remember it forever, i was baptized on 24 December 2006. lalala. such a special and meaningful experience.
the performance was great, in my opinion lar. cos we practiced very hard for it. haha. everybody was so pretty and handsome that day. hahaha. another one of my personal opinion. heh. too bad i didn't go with them to the dinner.. nor did i stayed over in church. sigh. how untimely. anyway, wanna thank all those who gave me presents! haha.
as for today, went for christmas breakfast with the jiemeis this morning. haha. at cafe cartel in j8. angeline will be sick of that place la, if she did come with us. sigh. anyway, it was only cindy joanna dua na and me. after that it was walking around j8 looking for dua na's parents' birthday gift. haha. took some pictures!
tsk. the zilian us, can make use of anywhere. even in the toilet.

me and that retarded woman. i forced her to smile already! should have used violence. hmm..

thats all i guess. oh. forgot to post my favourite photos from the camp!
our beloved eric chuan dao. hahaha.

haha. ok. last of all the camp reminisces (:
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
time: 12:48 AM
haha. its a bit late. but ohwell. shall just post some of the camp photos (:
group photos. as you can see, we are extremely free people who go around taking photos. no matter where we are. before eating and taking the elevators. hahaha. oh and before eating cup noodles too. heh.

the selected few out of the thousands of me and meng's zilian photos. haha. hmm. we took this photo under an escalator. the reflection is damn shiny lar. haha.

we posed there for damn long ok. self-time de. haha. our smiles are a little frozen i guess.

we took this even before the camp started. got unwanted person behind. ignore it.

whilst we went 'caroling' with our glowstiks. hahaha.

me, jinli and amanda at zon mart. see. we never waste any oppurtunities to snap away with meng's trusty camera.

too tired to upload anymore.. next time thn. still many many retarded photos of mine. i'll have to screen through to make sure nothing humiliating gets posted. haha.
oh and i have to add something:
sorry i forgot to blog about you two visiting me! =/
haha. but that doesn't mean i don't appreciate it.
i only don't appreciate the part you two sent me a sms telling me i suck. -.-
love ya guys (:
Monday, December 18, 2006
time: 10:54 PM
work was hideously torturous today. had to stand for the entire 9hours. of course i slacked a little and found somewhere to sit. but still.. feet ache like hell now. zzz. hate that shoe of mine!! gave me so many blisters..
anyway.. made a few friends today. mostly aunties though. haha. and one security guard uncle. everybody is too bored lar. haha. yeap. and sales was quite good today lar. sold 2packets of chocolate and one mini choco fondue! hahaha. considered quite good already (:
zzz. horribly unlucky today. late on my first day, rained when i went and left. learnt a lesson, must bring an umbrella everywhere i go! no matter how aunty i look.
hmm. thats all. dont feel like blogging anymore all of a sudden. haha.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
time: 9:38 PM
argh. i haven't even started working and already i spent close to one hundred buying all the necessary attires and a black shoe. -.- okie, that was an exaggeration. everything i bought can be worn all the time, maybe except that stupid black shoe.
currently reading all the notes angline prepared. can you believe she actually make notes?! haha. even though it is highly beneficial to me, still. its weird. but still have to thank her for the highly detailed notes lar. if not i'm sure to screw up tomorrow.. hopefully not.
argh. stupid, complicated fountain. so many procedures to cleaning it! argh.
time: 12:50 AM
ok, these are all the beautiful orchids! my phone's camera is lousy lar.. zzz. may not be quite clear.
some of the landscape designs! the second one is my fave.

close up of the second one. very christmasy! done with red and white orchids.

another of the design. i just like the look of so many different orchids clustered together.

some award winning ones. haha.

the second may not look weird in the photo. but i didn't manage to show how one whole clump of that droop downwards from the puny stem.
my ultimate favourite! completely made up of white orchids (:

beautiful ehh..
some of my favourite flowers:
beautiful maroon.

beautiful orange.

beautiful purple.

beautiful white-purple.

beautiful red. a bit tree-shaped though. haha.

something funny..
look like those biscuit that can be found on cakes right. haha. felt like eating it when i saw it.

thats all. still many more photos that i'm too lazy to load. haha.
time: 12:25 AM
i love orchids! i think they are the prettiest of all flowers.
went out with my mother today. its so rare! finally, we get to spend quality time together without other irritating interferences. yeah. anyway, accompanied her to suntec city for the Singapore Garden Festival. the orchid part only actually. woooh. its damn big. there's like thousands of orchids, hundreds of species, all over the place. there's even competitions held to find the most unusual hybrid those sorta thing. ohh. love the landscaping competition. organisations have to use orchids to make this special design/landscape. damn interesting lar. saw this school making a
christmas tree out of white orchids. very pretty! snapped many pictures with my handphone. maybe i'll upload 'em. surprisingly, it is those really weird, often quite ugly looking orchids, that won the competitions! those really pretty ones are more common i think. ohwell. my favourites are the orange, red and white-purple ones!
anyway, manned the booth awhile for my mother. during that short time, two people who passed by asked me questions lar.. zzz. luckily i pay attention to what my mother usually say to those people. yeah. managed to pass off as an orchid-savy person. hahaha.
after that we went to starbucks to get our much needed coffee. gave in to temptations and shared a choco muffin. haha.
it was dinner at this malay restaurant after that for this dinner hosted by OSSEA, this orchid organisation. the food was weird. every dish is spicy. they are mostly meat. the appetiser was satay! haha. quite boring actually.. mostly those people in the whatsat called, plant industry?! haha. still, reached home with a bloated stomach. argh.
alright. starting work on monday, at OG orchard. don't know why isit called that when it really is at somerset. ohwell. people! bring your parents there and buy a chocolate fountain!! just imagine, melted chocolate cascading down, and you dipping marshmallow or whatnots inside. haha. tempted? please buy from me.. T.T
ahh. and i still haven't buy what is needed of the dresscode!
Friday, December 15, 2006
time: 11:36 PM
youth camp is over! quite sad actually, only really started to make friends on the second and third day.. we stayed in a supposedly 5-star hotel. over-rated lar. 4-star at most. and the housekeeping is really quite bad. they made my bed and left me without a blanket. -.- but the hotel bed is really comfortable la!! oh man. ask meng hua. i seriously spent every second i could on that comfy bed. sigh..
and the sermons are nice. hmm. even though i was extremely sleepy at times and almost fell asleep. but some of mu shi's sermons seemed to be directed at me. feel rather bad.. its really a wake up call for me.
oh and we took a lot of photos. menghua was determined to use up all the camera's memory space. haha. i dont look nice in the photos!! so sad..
didn't sleep much on the last day. the group of us, menghua jinli tongxin phoebe kexin xinyi amanda sort of went caroling. haha! walked around the hotel with glowsticks hung here and there. finally settled somewhere with this 2 guys from another church. sat down and talk, and managed to last till 4.30am! haha. really love my church friends (:
the last day was quite depressing actually. ohwell. at least we can still see each other in church and all. sigh..
hope i'm truly an arisen christian now..
went for the job interview for promoting chocolate fountain! that guy was late for 20min please. zzz. anyway, heard from angeline it will be really boring cos OG-orchard is a shopping mall for tai-tais who wont buy the stupid fountain. who will lo. that fountain costs $189 or something.. i can forget about the commission already. so i'll be really bored. feel free to come and visit! (:
you will get to
sample all those chocolates! haha.
anyway, angeline taught me all those i'm supposed to know. quite confusing actually. ohwell. she kept insisting there will be no customers anyway. haha.
after leaving OG, met up with xuelin and cindy at orchard mrt! damn long never see all of the jiemeis already lar. especially that stupid dua na. argh. shall not start about her. makes my blood boil. yeap. went home together. ate dinner with my family before joining them at the void deck. haha. played bridge down there like those old ahpeks you see in tv. haha. wohoo. my desire for bridge is finally satiated. haha. stupid duck keep whining about wanting to pee -.- ohh i forgot to make her life miserable by making those noise! haha. wasted.. after duck has to leave, xuelin and cindy came up my house. crapped a little longer like we used to. haha. anyway meeting xuelin tomorrow. dont worry i
wont be late. i'm very punctual nowadays. really.
alright, shall go off to youtube to watch
My Girl. catch it if you can. its VERY nice. the two guys are VERY VERY cute. heh.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
time: 7:23 PM
lalala. will be off to the youth camp tomorrow!dont miss me (:hahaha.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
time: 10:24 PM
come and behold himborn the King of Angels
i love christmas hymns! haha.
anyway.. no mood to blog the past few days. cannot seem to type out my moods and feelings. seriously feel that my english standard is dropping la.. have to keep delete and retyping to fully express what i wanna say in this post. haha.
zzz. i'm currently looking out for jobs! people out there, got job offers recommend me okay? haha. angeline and i are desperate la. even resorted to sitting outside sengkang mrt station circling the classified section of the newspaper for job offers. we even turned up for extremely weird interviews like
bridal models,
sales promoter for lady stuffs. hahahha. damn funny.
been working at mr lim's shop since tues. hmm. even though damn slack and can be super boring at times, at least i'm paid to rot lo.. sometimes it can be fun. haha. with stupid jordan and raymond around, won't be totally boring de. haha. go home everyday reeking of oil stench. haha. oh i know how to bake a pizza now! don't worry, u wont die from eating my pizza. cos apparently, they are baked in temperatures around 400degree celsius. bacterias are definitely killed. you wont get diarrhea or anything. really. delicious too, by the way. hahha.
sigh. been to a thousand and one places filling up forms. but those irresponsible people keep patronising us by saying they will call in a wk's time! argh. so far,
none called back. irritating! nevermind, its their loss for not hiring me. hmph.
zzz. tired already. just came back from maths tuition. can you believe it? mavis damn kiasu lar. other people still enjoying their holidays. here we are preparing for next year's maths. tsk.. haha. my brain is damn rusty please. cannot even do simple logarithms anymore. sigh..
alright enough about maths. actually, enough blogging already. haha (: