Sunday, October 14, 2007
time: 1:51 AM
okay. recently saw the cutest guy on earth. not real life of course. if it's real life, i'd probably die of hyperventilation on the spot. gah. thanks to asnira's introduction. haha. here, shall share his loveliness with the world.
Hero Jaejoong.
oh man. i've just melted into a puddle again. gotta go pick myself up.
later (:
Monday, October 08, 2007
time: 10:33 PM
PROMOS ARE OVER :D quite a late declaration but better than nothing yeah. haha.
nothing much to blog about for the last 4days. except that eileen, faith, amanda and i finally went shopping together!! haha. bought a nice dress (: guess we were all a little tired that day, so the most fun part was chatting our youth away in Starbucks. haha. love you girls (:
basically, rotted thoroughly in the last 4days. practically became a part of my armchair 'cos i was spending so much time lazing on it watching korean dramas!! haha. cried a litre of tears for hana kimi and surgeon bong dal hee. omgggg. think i'm nuts. i actually stayed up till 7am okay. gah.
anyway, skipped school today with angline. i just absolutely cannot bring myself to end my decadent lifestyle yet. eat, sleep, watch videos. haha! so went down to sengkang to get official leave, and earned myself another 2days of holidays!!
dua na was with us today. and the most retarded things happen when you're with that woman. oh she's called Fat Bung now. HAHAHA. cool, huh.
first we went popular. and we saw this huge poster of JJ. angeline and i promptly forced her to take a photo with that poster. loads of haggling before she agreed. oh, pardon the ugly hair.

look alike right!! hahaha.
anyway after that we went with her to cut her hair at Pro Trim. the notice says:
wash & blow
male $12 female (short hair) $14
cheap huh. NOT. cos it doesn't include cutting!!! wth. what for does people wanna know about the price of washing and blowing your hair. actual price was $28 by the way. haha. so poor dua na was duped into an expensive haircut.
well we don't know all this at first. naturally, being her best buddy and all, i will wanna help her to save money. so being very helpful, i told the uncle she's a Man. too bad he didn't believe. lousy bung la. can't even pass off as a guy. tsk.
they should cater to bungs as well lo. ain't fair you see. their hair are longer than men's yet shorter than women's. price should be like, $13. hahaha.

her new hair. cool, huh? hahaha.
anyway, we went back to rot at angeline's house. forced dua na to study then fell asleep. got woken up by angeline's screaming. no idea what for. anyway, it's nice to disturb that woman. i posed her a few serious Life questions.
me: dua na, why are you so shitty? answer me truthfully and seriously!
dua na: er.. you know. shit is actually human waste. the process begins in the stomach.. then into small intestine.. then into big intestine, then come out as waste, or feces!
me: out of point! you didn't answer the question. no wonder you fail compre -.-
dua na: wait la haven't finish. then you know.. shit is used as fertiliser for plants and flowers. people are a country's flowers.. yeah.. then i am the fertiliser for you people.. so actually i am very useful!
that retarded piece of shit is amazing.
right, it was boring tuition after that. not in the mood to study at all. eileen was damn sweet la. bought bubble tea for me all of a sudden. OH HAVEN'T PAY HER. shit. (dua na's face suddenly pop up. she's synonymous with shit already. ahhaha.) anyway, thanks my dear! haha.
yayness. eating steamboat with the girls tomorrow. damn, another glutton attack.
i love this few days. if only this kind of life will never end. sighs.